Furniture, Sofas and Mattresses

Here you can see all our online catalogs of furniture, sofas and mattresses. We are a furniture supplier, distributor and wholesaler from the best factories and manufacturers in Portugal. Almost all our clients are furniture stores and shops that find in us the perfect partner and supplier where they can purchase small quantities or even individual pieces. As we always buy in bulk and very large quantities, we have special discounts and agreements with every factory we work with.
From traditional lines to more modern and contemporary style furniture, you will find here all kinds of living / dining rooms, bedrooms, sofas, individual pieces, mattresses, carpets and other decorative pieces. We only sell quality products, made here in Portugal.
In our online catalogs you will find several lines of furniture and various styles that will make a difference in your business and home of your own customers! Allow us to be your supplier of Portuguese furniture and buy here from Portuguese factories.
If you have any questions or issues opening the catalogs, contact us. If you have interest in any of our products and want to buy from us, contact us today to request the price tables and sales conditions. We can export / transport to any place in the world!